Transition To Prep

From Year 2 to Year 3

Your child only gets one childhood, and we want the key transitions to be seamless. That way, nothing is lost in the move and your child can get on with the important business of finding their spark, learning fearlessly and reaching high.

Transition to the Middle School

How do we ensure a smooth transition?

Consistency of experience

Consistency of experience between Year 2 and Year 3: the same routines, identical behaviour management approaches, a continuous curriculum that spans the year groups.

Detailed handover

A detailed handover meeting for every child: All the invaluable knowledge built up about your child is meticulously shared with their new teacher – what they need pastorally and academically to thrive, where they need challenge, how best to support struggles.

Time to practise

During the Summer Term of Year 2, your child will spend time in our Middle School building to familiarise themselves with their future classroom and explore the specialist rooms: Arts Studio, Science Lab, and Technology lab.

© Devonshire House 2025