Eco-School Status


More than any generation previously, your child will need to stand up and be counted when it comes to the planet. Our eco-club is designed to empower your child with practical tools, developing self-esteem and transferable skills along the way.

How does Eco-club work?

How does Eco-club work?

There are two clubs, one each for Middle School (Years 3-5) and Upper School (Years 6-8). Each form nominates an eco-ambassador to represent them at the club. Together the eco-ambassadors organise initiatives to mitigate climate change. These range from educating our school community to making a practical difference – soft activism, if you like, with a focus on the circular economy.

Recent initiatives

  • Coat drop for local charity
  • Book swap on World Book Day
  • Competition with neighbouring school during ‘Walk to School Week’
  • Talk from Camden recycling on how to recycle Christmas
  • Trip to recycling centre in Peckham to see how it works
  • Meeting with Sustrans on how to improve the traffic on our road
  • Cargo bike demo for parents
  • Greenpeace assembly on how to speak up for yourself and your cause
  • Food waste collections


Transferable skills

In addition to the sense of pride gained from contributing to society, your child will learn valuable, transferable skills:

  • How to make a splash and get attention for a cause
  • How to start a conversation about a cause
  • How to have a difficult conversation
  • How to write a persuasive letter (we recently wrote one to the Head about a dripping tap – we measured the volume of water lost through drips in an hour and did the maths about the cost to the school and the planet).

Gold Travel Stars Award 2024

The School is proud to have achieved the Gold re-accreditation of our STARS Travel for Life (TfL) award for 2024. Awarded by Transport for London, STARS stands for Sustainable Travel: Active, Responsible, Safe, and aims to create a healthier and safer London, by encouraging active travel to school, reducing carbon emissions and traffic, and by educating our community.

© Devonshire House 2025