Nursery Curriculum

Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) Framework

Nursery is all about creating solid foundations for your child, the building block on which the rest of their education will lie. Our key objective is to switch on your child’s love of learning through experiencing success.

Nursery Curriculum

Child-initiated learning

Our carefully scaffolded, play-based, hands-on approach focuses on the 3 prime areas of learning and development required to form the bedrock for future learning.

  1. Communications & language development
  2. Personal, social & emotional development
  3. Physical development

We teach these 3 prime areas of learning through:

  • Literacy
  • Mathematics
  • Understanding the world
  • Expressive arts & design

Yes, we are a nursery school, but there’s no point in being able to write your name if you can’t sit next to someone and ask for a pen; the underlying developmental areas must be secure for your child to fulfil their potential later.

We balance adult-directed teaching and child-initiated learning

We will get to know your child so that we can build on their interests, likes and needs, in order for them to progress in each area.

© Devonshire House 2025

Open Morning

Thursday 13th of March


Come and discover our school