International Educational Consultancy Reference Form Agency name(Required)How long have you worked with this agency?(Required)Less than one year1-2 years3-4 years5+ yearsN/aHow many students on average does this agency send to you each year?(Required)0-3 students4-6 students7-9 students10+ studentsN/aDo you have an active partnership with this agency?(Required) Yes No N/a Have you experienced any problems or difficulties working with this agent?(Required) Yes No N/a Does this agent supply all the information requested on time?(Required) Yes No N/a Do they always work in an ethical and professional manner?(Required) Yes No N/a Would you recommend working with this agent?(Required) Yes No N/a Visas and sponsored studentsIf this agency have sent you pupils sponsored on a student visa, please answer the following questions.Have any of the students that have been sent to your organisation by this agency had their visas refused? Yes No N/a Have any of these refusals been on the grounds of student credibility, false documentation or deception? Yes No N/a Have any students sent to your organisation by this agency absconded or failed to enrol having travelled to the UK? Yes No N/a Have any students sent to your organisation by this agency left their school early without providing details and evidence of having moved to a new sponsor or left the country? Yes No N/a Any additional comments?Referee detailsName(Required) First Last School/organisation name(Required)Email(Required) PhoneAgreement(Required) I hereby declare that the information provided is true and correct. I also understand that any wilful dishonesty may render refusal of the said agent application.