“At Devonshire House, we occupy a rare midground: academic rigour and a happy, balanced, nurturing childhood. Your child will fly academically precisely because they are known and loved as an individual through bespoke relationships.”
Devonshire House is a co-educational prep school, for girls and boys aged 2-13, offering unparalleled preparation for senior school and life thereafter. Our unwavering focus on individual growth, within an inclusive community, blends traditional values and modern practice to inspire fearless
life-long learning.
Tour the school and you will meet nice kids – confident but humble, bright and engaged, thoughtful and curious, comfortable in their own skin as they show you around.
Ask parents what they prize about Devonshire House, and they will point to happy children, a diverse and inclusive community, shared values, and a truly personalised approach to learning.
Talk to teachers and you’ll be struck by their energy, their warmth, their passion for individual growth and their unerring commitment to helping your child succeed.
Whilst our senior school success will speak to the head, the heart will only know as you start to get under the skin of the school through the admissions process. Talk to us about your child. Soak up the school spirit. Ask all the questions.
Imagine your family here.